African American Hair Restoration in Chicago
Chicago is home to specialized, board-certified, and experienced hair transplant surgeons capable of performing challenging African American hair Restoration in Chicago. This treatment procedure is quite difficult to perform on African Americans due to the distinctive roots and curly nature of their hair.
Many hair restoration clinics in Chicago have specialized surgeons with extensive experience to restore hair growth. Regardless of the patient’s ethnic background, experienced plastic surgeons in Chicago are promising natural-looking results with the most advanced techniques and procedures.
African American Hair Restoration in Chicago
Many clinics in Chicago offer surgical and non-surgical treatment options for African American hair transplant patients. Despite having unique roots and curly hair follicles, these surgeons have exceptional skills and experience to perform the surgery carefully.
People from all over the world travel to Chicago to have a successful hair transplant surgery. Even though there are many commonalities between other hair and black curly hair, surgeons have to overcome several transplant challenges to overcome optimal results. Fortunately, plastic surgeons in Chicago are medically trained to perform hair restoration procedures on people of African descent.
How African American Hair Restoration is Unique
Black curly hair and roots are different from Caucasian or Asian hair, therefore, special techniques should be used to ensure desired results and make sure that the bulbs are not damaged. The angle placement is important for wavy and curly hair, therefore, it must align with the hair’s natural angle to guarantee natural hair growth, allowing the person to comb however they want.
The coarse and curly characteristics of black hair give a surgical advantage to African American patients. The thicker, fuller black hair offers sufficient coverage and creates an appearance of greater density. It makes it easier for the surgeon to cover more area without utilizing a huge number of follicular unit grafts. Unlike people with thin straight hair, African Americans require fewer grafts to achieve noticeable results.
Most people in the African American community are under the impression that surgical restoration treatment is not for them. On the contrary, anyone of the right age can be a suitable candidate for a hair transplant regardless of their ethnicity.
Surgical Hair Loss Treatment Options For African-American
The common types of procedures performed in Chicago are FUT and FUE. Mostly, plastic surgeons there prefer FUE for black hair and other hair types which is safer and has fewer side effects.
FUT leaves highly visible scars as it cuts a strip of skin to extract hair follicles. Therefore, surgeons do not recommend strip FUE transplants for African Americans as the linear scar can not be easily concealed in thick, curly hair.
At the same time, the FUE transplant procedure can be challenging taking into account the curl of the follicle beneath the skin. Considering the complexity of the procedure, a hair loss sufferer must choose the best hair transplant surgeons in Chicago with years of experience in African Americans hair restoration. Fortunately, there is no shortage of skilled plastic surgeons in Chicago, hence, it would not be hard finding one.
Other Hair Restoration Options For African Americans
During the early stages of hair loss, African American patients can utilize non-surgical treatment options to slow down balding and encourage hair regrowth. Many clinics in Chicago are offering effective hair loss treatment options such as follicular micro pigmentation.
These non-surgical treatment options provide optimal outcomes and can be utilized in addition to the FUE transplant. In this procedure, the hair transplant surgeon inserts special pigments under the skin to give a natural-looking appearance to growing hair.
In addition, doctors may prescribe medications to increase the growth of hair. After examination, the surgeon will recommend the best hair loss treatment considering the hair loss pattern and hair restoration goals.
Wrapping it Up
All things considered, African American patients should seek a skilled hair transplant surgeon who has ample experience and is aware of the challenges posed by the curlier and thicker hair follicles. Many doctors in Chicago have highly developed skills and knowledge of varied techniques to achieve desired results.
Patients can ask the doctor for examples of curly hair transplants previously performed to know whether or not they can trust the surgeon with the surgery.