Average Cost of PRP Hair Restoration

Hair Loss Solution: Average Cost of PRP Hair Restoration 

If you are noticing hair loss and exploring hair loss treatments you must have come across PRP treatment. We understand you might wonder what PRP is and how much an average  PRP hair restoration costs. PRP or Platelet-rich Plasma hair restoration is a solution for those who are struggling with rapid hair loss and need treatment for hair loss. PRP is like other cosmetic hair restoration procedures performed to stimulate hair regrowth.  

PRP therapy for hair loss therapy is a proven method that yields optimal results. Usually, there is a need for three PRP treatments, followed by a maintenance procedure.  The average cost of PRP hair treatment depends on a number of factors including the number of PRP injections, areas covered in the scalp, and maintenance procedures needed. 

Read along to learn more about PRP, PRP treatment cost, treatment plan, and effects of PRP. 

Process of PRP Hair Restoration for Hair Loss 

The platelet-rich plasma therapy emerged in the 1980s and was used as a treatment to heal wounds and injuries related to ligaments,  muscles, and tendons, but gradually this technique was adopted as a hair treatment option. The use of PRP for hair restoration has resulted in effective results which is why it is a method that works for hair loss.  

Procedure and Tools in a PRP

The PRP process involves drawing platelet-rich plasma from blood cells and injecting it into the affected areas. It is a three-step process that is performed three times with a gap of four to six weeks. After the initial three sessions, additional maintenance PRP procedures are needed in four to six months. 


Step 1: Drawing of Blood

In PRP, blood is drawn from a candidate’s arms and put into a centrifuge. A centrifuge is a tool that separates different densities of liquid by spinning. 

Step 2: Separating Platelet-rich plasma 

In Centrifuge, blood is separated into three different densities with different properties: platelet-rich plasma, platelet-poor plasma, and red blood cells. 

Step 3: PRP Injection

The syringe is used to take plasma that is rich in platelets which is injected into the scalp. 

The rich plasma helps to stimulate new hair growth. The hair loss journey varies from one person to another and may entail,   thinning hair, balding head, and receding hairline.  Hair loss can be due to hereditary factors, side effects of medication, Alopecia, and lifestyle choices. In a hair restoration consultation, a Hair expert assesses the scale of hair loss and the cause of hair fall to determine if a client is a suitable candidate for a PRP treatment. 

How PRP Works

Platelets are a component of blood that helps in cell regeneration and growth. The platelet-rich plasma used in a PRP gets attached to dermal papilla cells in hair follicles and cell regeneration and growth. These platelets enhance the growth factor, therefore PRP is a natural and effective hair restoration treatment. 

Before and After Care in PRP Hair Restoration

Before: Check if you are a Suitable PRP Candidate 

PRP hair restoration is not recommended when someone is suffering from any blood disorder, undergoing cortisone therapy, is a cancer patient, or is a heavy smoker. 


For optimal results, a booster PRP shot is recommended every four to six months after the initial treatment. 

After the initial three treatment sessions, it takes weeks and even months to see treatment results but the benefits of PRP are worth the wait. For more effective hair restoration and full hair regrowth, it is best to take boost injections. 

Average Cost of a PRP Hair Restoration

Hair treatments are mostly customised as per the needs of a client and the cost of a hair treatment varies accordingly. This custom plan is designed after examining the extent of your hair loss, hair density, and size of the treatment area. According to these the

The total PRP hair restoration cost may vary from one place to another. This again depends on many factors. It is best to discuss all this with your hair experts during the consultation and ask them how much PRP costs at their clinic or hospital. 

A single PRP injection costs $400 to $800, and the cost for three mandatory platelet-rich plasma injections will fall in the range of $1500 to $3500. It is suggested to get PRP treatment every four to six weeks for the initial three sessions. After that,  a PRP injection every six months will stimulate hair follicles to grow. 

If you are looking for Affordable hair treatment then read our guide on Best Affordable Hair Transplant In Turkey And China

Check this table to see how much does PRP Cost 

PRP Injections for Hair LossAverage Cost Range 
Single PRP Injection$400 to $800 per treatment
3 Mandatory PRP Procedures$1500 to $3500
Additional Maintenance PRP Injections$400 to $800 per boost  PRP injection

Cost of PRP Vs other Hair Transplant Procedures and Hair Treatments

There are many hair treatments for hair pattern hair loss, hair thinning, and balding hair. This includes both surgical and non-surgical options like taking topical medications or hair transplants such as FUT, FUE, and Microneedle Method.

Hair growth medication like Minoxidil is mostly used to stimulate hair growth and is effective in hair regrowth remedies for those who are experiencing hair loss due to lifestyle or medication-induced temporary hair loss. The Cost is not that high as the prescribed tables cost around $36 for 100 tablets. With a couple of hundred dollars, one can stop hair loss with this non-surgical treatment. 

Surgical treatments like hair transplants are commonly used when hair loss and thinning are due to hereditary reasons and suffering from Alopecia.  The most commonly used hair transplant surgery methods are FUT, FUE, and Microneedle methods.  During these procedures, hair follicles are extracted, and harvested and grafted hair follicles are implanted in the affected areas. This is suitable for those who have a significant portion of lost hair on the scalp and for best results need intense hair transplant surgery. Naturally, it costs more, and for an average hair transplant surgery that involves the use of 3500 to 500 grafts, the hair transplant costs around $15000 to $2000 to get the desired result.

If you are suffering from hair loss, try to understand the cause of hair loss and explore a suitable solution for hair loss. PRP is one such solution to treat hair loss and the efficacy of PRP for hair loss makes it one of the most sought out treatments available. Check if you are a good candidate for PRP and discuss it with a hair treatment specialist to see if a treatment works on your hair type. The PRP hair restoration cost is not high as compared to other treatments and the results are very effective.

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